2016-06-16 Chalet in Kuwait
The private chalet is located in Sabah Al Ahmad sea city in Kuwait, designed by Ark-Kassam architects.
Sabah Al Ahmad sea city, the size of Manhattan, will eventually house 250,000 people and it is being built in the desert in Kuwait with special tidal gates allowing the sea to come six miles inland from the Persian Gulf and be flushed away.
The chalet comes with a highly contemporary appearance characterized by The harmony between the white and wood with a touch of gray as beton brut whereas the unique smooth arrangement of levels and an overall minimalist design approach adds cheerfulness and a sober feel to the building.
The challenge in design was achieving a view of the sea for all rooms in the chalet, moreover, attaining privacy and comfort for users (owners) upon the client desire.
Using folding sunscreens and double glazing to reduce solar gain which part of energy saving solutions and beneficial for improving privacy for inhabitants. Folding sunscreens are vertical with the use of other horizontal ones offering unobstructed views and openness to the project.